The Laulima Giving Program brings companies and individuals together to help families here in Hawai`i.
The Laulima Giving Program, a vital lifeline for our local community, has served over 230,000 needy individuals here in Hawaiʻi. We’ve been able to assist struggling keiki, kupuna, and ʻohana throughout the year, thanks to the generous donations from people and businesses. Our program, one of the many at the Keiki O Ka Āina Family Learning Centers, a recognized local nonprofit organization, depends exclusively on these donations. Donations include cash, school supplies, clothing, shoes, household items, new unwrapped toys, and gift cards. This year, we aim to raise over $500,000 in cash and in-kind donations.
Through partnerships with local businesses and communities, this program has served over 95,000 individuals since 2006 and will continue its efforts to support deserving families facing hardships.
Would you please consider being an active partner with us?
100% of the proceeds are directed towards providing aid and support to individuals and families affected by the Maui wildfires.
Mahalo Nui for considering a donation to Laulima Giving Program.
“For me, it’s an incredible honor to be a voice for individuals and families in need, to be able to tell their stories to viewers who are moved to give and help them through a most difficult time.
I am just one link in a program that for so many years has played a vital role in helping those who are suddenly thrown a wrench, a challenge, that sets them back unexpectedly.
But Laulima can only help as much as the public gives and it’s been incredible to see how generous people are, even through the worst of times.
I am so grateful to be even a small part of this movement, this synergy of helping hands.”
The Laulima Giving Program depends solely upon the kind and generous donations from the local business communities.
It receives no other type of funding. The donations help underserved keiki, kupuna, and `ohana throughout Hawai`i.
We respond to the basic needs of people; items such as bedding, household items, new clothes and shoes, school supplies, supermarket, gas, retail gift cards, etc.
We will contact you with the next steps.
Tax receipts are gladly offered.
The local Fox Affiliate, KHON2, has been a dynamic media partner with the Laulima Giving Program.
Its broadcast support has taken this program around the state and worldwide. Their airtime, volunteers, and production donation have delivered our messages at the highest professional levels possible; we are humbled and very grateful for that.
As a non-profit, Laulima depends solely upon the kind and generous donations from the local business communities. It receives no other type of funding.
©2025-Keiki-O-Ka-Āina. All rights reserved.